Don’t Let Pritzker’s Pass HB-3239!

Pritzker’s allies in Springfield are going for the kill shot with HB-3239!

This legislation creates a new permit system, designed to make it literally impossible to buy a firearm in Illinois. Don’t believe me, look at what it does: 

  1. Creates a new permit, issued from the local police department, to buy/transfer a gun.
  2. Before applying for this permit, you’d need to take 8 hours of training, and only the State Police can certify the trainers who can conduct these classes.

  3. This permit is ‘may issue,’ and can be denied if the police think its in the ‘best interest of public safety.’

  4. If granted, this permit is good for just 10 days.

In essence, this creates a third background check on gun sales. One for this permit, one for the FOID Card, one at the point of sale — all while violent criminals run wild.

This permit is designed to end gun sales! But HB-3239 is so bad that even Democrats in tough seats are scared to vote for it. So we may be able to stop this bill yet! 

Help us do that! Send your OFFICIAL EMAIL in opposition to HB-3239, so your Senator and Representative know that they’ll pay a political price if they support this bill.

Once you have, please chip in a donation of $5, $10, or $17.76 to help ILFA mobilize HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of gun owners across the state to fight alongside us and oppose this massive attack on our right to keep and bear arms!