Help Us CRUSH the UN Small Arms Treaty!

Joe Biden is enraged that he can’t control the House. That’s why he’s pushing the United Nations Small Arms Treaty!

The UN Small Arms Treaty would establish a GLOBAL firearms registration, and subject American’s gun rights to the whims of Communist China and 3rd World dictators!

The worst part is that Biden only needs the Senate to ratify an international treaty! And now that Biden has complete control of the Senate, this could happen fast!

A fully ratified UN Small Arms Treaty would crush our Second Amendment rights in America, and that’s exactly what Biden and the Radical Left want.

Take action! Sign your OFFICIAL PETITION against this communist takeover right away, so Senators Durbin and Duckworth know that voting for this will absolutely cost them the Senate in 2024! 

And when you’re done, please consider becoming a member of the Illinois Firearms Association — we’ll never give up ONE INCH! Go to:!